Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Nanny

Aimee and I have had the pleasure of being nannies for the last ten days. The parents of two kids we babysat years ago, went on a cruise and left us to take care of the now, grown up, kids. One fifteen year old and a twelve year old. It has been a blast and a wonderful learning experience. The kids are great. They are still the same fun living kids I knew back when they were three and just a new born.
We have watched a lot of movies, drank a lot of peppermint hot chocolate and shared a lot of laughs.
I have now been a full time cook, maid and taxi. We hosted a boy- girl party for nine, twelve year olds and bought Halo 4. My little sweetie pie, cuddle buddy and I know all the words to every song on the first album from One Direction. We have nicknames for each other. She is Crack Head. He is Fat Bly and then Aimee is Healthy Girl. I am, well lets just say, I am the "Cool one." I also have a new friend. He is fifteen as well. He loves One Direction and can play the piano by ear. He makes the music and I write the lyrics. Weird little team. Don't worry about it. Also, besides dancing in the kitchen to Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, I have shared my music library with the kiddos. They are better off knowing good hip hop. I am going to miss them. I am glad we had the chance to be with them and I am glad that I didn't burn the house down. The End.

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